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Presentation Skills



Presenting with Impact is not only important for presenting amongst

colleagues but also to clients, partners and more. Having the appropriate

presentation skills could help any employee excel at their work while representing

an excellent image for the company which can create multiple benefits for the


This seminar aims at aiding professional to create interactive presentations which

will catch the attention of co-workers, investors, customers and many more.

Employees will gain a unique presence and presentation which will be used to bring

more benefits towards the company while it showcases their best characteristics

(individuals’ strong points).

Date: 16 October 2021 | Time: 10:00 – 14:00



1. Body Language – Tone of Voice

2. Speak with confidence and overcome nerves

3. Engage the audience using physical and verbal techniques

4. Bring dry material to life

5. Consciously create the impact you choose

6. Be authentic

7. Structure your presentation

8. Adjust to your audience

9. Design and get the best out of PowerPoint slides

10. Handle difficult questions

11. Communicate messages with impact and clarity

12. Get buy-in and commitment to your ideas

13. Train the Trainer Basics

Who is it for:

  • Business People
  • Public speakers
  • Sales Team
  • Anyone working in Education
  • Managers
  • Team Leaders

Price: 80euros

Delivery Method:

This is going to be an interactive webinar.

Participants will have to participate during the training.

We require to have open cameras & microphones for better participation.

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