We offer Programs and tools for the development of entrepreneurs and Executives for all companies and organizations. Training seminars and programs for business departments that aim to better organize their teams and management, to achieve through thorough cooperation and guidance, through desired goals and results. Training Programs for Managers, Freelancers, Doctors and employees of each company.

Soft & Interpersonal Skills Modules
The Soft Skills training program is about the training of people in positions of responsibility in communication skills, time management and change management as well as strengthening their teamwork, ensuring Customer Experience, as well as solving daily problems in order to increase job satisfaction and enhance their efficiency and productivity.
Thanks to the consistent nature of the curriculum the training program can be done as taught as often as the company requires. Each program is 4 hours long and can be repeated once or twice a year, without altering the teaching material, so that each of its staff is gradually trained in all the thematic units of the program (modules). In this way everyone will receive the same knowledge, which leads to the creation of a common culture of development.

The seven main sections are:
- Leadership
- Time management
- Communication Skills
- Customer Experience
- Problem–solving
- Change Management – Durability
- Teamwork
After the trainings the participants will be able

Soft & Interpersonal Skills Modules
Customer Experience CX – Sales Modules
Business skills Modules
Train the Trainer – become a trainer
- Instructor Training for interactive in-house training via Webinar
- Instructor training for interactive training
- Negotiations skills
- Crisis management Ι – CORONAVIRUS ERA
- Crisis management ΙΙ
- Crisis management ΙΙΙ – Crisis management
- Critical thinking
- Change Management
- Effective – Complaint Management -Complaint Management
- Personal development – Principles of Personal development
- Emotional Intelligence
- Conflict resolution – Problem solving
- Effective Camera Presentations!
- Crisis Management and Communication in the CORONA VIRUS CRISIS era

Human Resources Development Program
On-line Programs & IN-PERSON Induction Programs
Quit Smoking Program – A quit-smoking program for employees
Well-being: The Basic Pillars of Well-being for a Better and Healthier Life
Interviewing Skills
Personality Traits Test
21 principles to stay motivated
Motivating women in business
ON-LINE PROGRAMS for employees’ children
Vocational Guidance Program for the children of the employees
Learning Reading Preferences